Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Exactly How Competitive Are You?

I once drank a large glass of hot sauce in order to win one round of immunity in a "Survivor" party.



  1. Cmon it was the final round, giving you an automatic berth into the final 2! That's more than just immunity for one round.

    Also what happened there? How is it that after that contest Nikki automatically made the final 2 against you and Lew and Jer got eliminated? I can't remember how it worked with those 3. Was it some kind of big vote?

    You also forgot to note that the competitors were so upset by your ultra competitiveness that you ended up losing the final vote 3-2 and the grand prize of whatever it was? $200?

  2. I think 2 people got eliminated that round because you felt the Survivor four-to-three-to two structure was flawed and enouraged people to vote for the weakest in the last three? I have some memory of a free style rap contest the round before which Ben won? And a clay scultuping competition dominated by me because (in the judges' words) I "used both interior and exterior surfaces." A second Rodin.

    Believe me, I have not forgotten losing the final vote. Notice that we had a secret agreement to split the top two prizes, and agreement on which Nikki totally welched. Although I initally believed Bryan Smith to be my voting nemesis, it was finally revealed to be Ben, who as you note, was unable to handle competitive women. (or maybe just ones who go around jeering "I will drink any amount of hot sauce to crush you, PANSIES.")

  3. i want the shock ball for my birthday

  4. I can't possibly top your hot sauce achievement, but I thought the following story might amuse you. Some years ago was I playing in a golf tournament for charity. At the start, the sky was overcast and there was a slight drizzle. No big deal - we started playing. An hour later, there was a steady downpour. As we made the turn, the rain was slashing down in horizontal sheets, with wind gusting at 40 mph. Off we went to the 10 teebox, nonetheless. Right about the 14th hole, we spotted two black, well-formed funnel clouds off in the horizon. Like suicidal maniacs, we finished the round. But this wasn't a display of competitiveness: I think nobody wanted to be the wimp to suggest taking cover.

  5. And how is that not "competitiveness"?

  6. "A large glass of hot sauce"? And it didn't kill you?!

    Out of curiosity, were there any physical side effects that went along with that?

  7. Was it the type of hot sauce you mentioned being consumed in this post:


  8. That's a good point. I guess I have to thank my lucky stars that Paul wasn't there.

    The after effects weren't as bad as I expected. Maybe the alcohol numbed the pain.

  9. I remember when I was on that show. It was Survivor Easter Island and we had some pretty interesting challenges. The barbecue challenge stands out in my mind the most. The cole slaw was made out of real coal, which I was able to stomach. The real scarring came during the main course. Jeff Probst hired a ventriloquist to make the hamburgers scream in pain when people bit into them. The oldest member of our tribe was Hank, and he had a pre-existing heart condition that the staff knew about, but that didnt stop them from giving Hank his final stroke. They dragged him off the set with the tongs, I have had nightmares ever since. I would have been happy to have had hot sauce there to kill the bacteria, our cook wore a hazmat suit and asked if our affairs were in order before serving us...I dont want to talk about this anymore.
