Saturday, December 6, 2008

Need a Chess Teacher/Assistant in NYC? also family

I have a former student, 20 years old, rated about 1500, great with kids, totally reliable, always prepared, who will work alone or assist someone in an after school chess club. She's fabulous-- you won't regret it. Rates vary by distance, degree of responsibility, etc., but start at the very reasonable $30/hour. She's available any day except Friday (right now). Email me or leave a comment here and I will contact you. Thanks.

In other news, I'm in England for a long weekend. I always am surprised by how incredibly cold English people keep their houses. bloody freezing. I went this evening to hear my stepmother sing in a choir. Choirs = uplifting.

my dad

my stepmother, Judy

myself, my late grandmother, my youngest brother, Adam

On Wednesday, I'm going to Grade Nationals in Florida, hoping for glory. more soon....


  1. There's a nice family resemblance between you and your grandmother, which the purple accentuates.

    Does chess run in the family?

  2. England? Lucky you! Have fun.

  3. Wonderful pictures. I've heard the same thing from other people about cold English homes. Are gas/oil much more expensive there, or are the British just tougher than we are?

  4. Elizabeth: Since you like Malcolm Gladwell and are yourself a teacher, you might enjoy this December 15th New Yorker article by him, on teachers and the hard-to-pin-down quality of "withitness" that makes for effective teaching: Also a lot of stuff in the article about quarterbacks. :-)

  5. Hi, there! I need to find a Chess tutor in NYC. I coincidently find your blog. Would you please email me her contact info?
    Many thanks!

  6. 張貼撇步PeoPo
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    /Marye+Audet/map !->(網址太長)換行
