Tuesday, November 10, 2009

it's a really nice boost to your evening

when you come across "surprise praise" on the internet.


  1. That's great!

    P.S. C'mon people, it's important to reply to these kind of posts, otherwise she's going to put another inane leftist political diatribe on here in order to generate the comments that fuel her ego.

  2. :-)
    It shows that your principal is right about all the bling-bling being important.

  3. Just curious: does anyone have any idea whatsoever what Leon (above) is trying to say?

  4. In the documentary clip that Elizabeth posted previously, she said that the assistant principal who co-runs the team takes care of all the awards and so on, which she always found strange and doesn't want to deal with because her attitude has always been "just do it because you love the game".

    She does concede (in the clip) that the kids seem to find the plaques and so on more important than she does, and it would seem that the poster at the other blog also thinks it's very important.

  5. The surprise praise is well deserved Liz :-)
