Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I´m now in Barcelona; what a fun city! Unfortunately, I have a cold, so I´m not enjoying it today, but here are some photos from yesterday:

La Rambla, Barcelona´s main street, has lots of people posing for tourists in funny costumes.

A shoe shop has the same flat shoe in hundreds of colors. Amusingly, the prices vary: the brighter ones are 10 euros more expensive.

From a flower stall on La Rambla. These flowers are tiny--the whole bouquet (top) is slightly larger than a quarter.

They have a market that sells fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, cheese, and fish. These were on sale at the butchers.

I´ve read a few fantastic books: Between the Assasinations (Aravind Adiga), Slapboxing with Jesus (Victor LaValle), and Super Sad True Love Story (Gary Shteyngart). Also a lot from BigThink, especially the blogs. I am also addicted to a Tetris-like iphone app, KaGlom!

¡I am happy to have discovered Cheapism, a great website for buying good quality cheap things!


  1. Thanks for the link to cheapism,which looks great.

    Glad you're having a great time in Barcelona, and I hope your cold gets better soon!

  2. Barcelona is one of my all-time favorite places...totally jealous right now!
