Thursday, February 17, 2011

I reorder a book

Some kid borrowed Forcing Chess Moves from our library a few years ago and didn't return it, and I really loved this book, so I ordered another copy. It arrived yesterday morning.

This totally made my day. I carry the book around now and look at it every few hours.

My students mostly couldn't see anything unusual at all about the cover at first, but after I pointed it out, they were like "Miss! How did you do that??"


  1. Why is the arm pixellated? It looks like the cover of a japanese movie (of the not-nice kind).

  2. Pretty cool to have your name on the cover of that book! How DID you do it? :-)

  3. too bad they spelled your name wrong

  4. ...must definitely be someone else this eliSabeth who loves books ...

    just kidding,
    ...girl you're amazing, just the way you are...

  5. o.k. you love books...
    what does that make you?...a libro-sexual...? ....or how do you call these people...?

  6. Speaking of books, my all-time favorite chess book is Kings of
    New York. In my opinion, you were
    portrayed pretty favorably in Mr.
    Weinreb's book about Murrow high
    school's chess team, although current GM Alex Lenderman clearly
    wasn't so highly regarded. I was
    wondering if you wished to comment about this interesting glimpse into the scholastic chess world.

  7. I was the model for the cover photo. The image is not pixellated - my arm actually looks like that. And not just my arm.

  8. Anon 10:02 a.m., are you the infamous former blogger chessloser ?

  9. Nice -- this is one of my favorite chess books as well.

    (Always enjoy your blog!)

  10. @Anonymous A lover of books is known as a bibliophile.

  11. on the sideways, arm looks like a knight lol
