Friday, October 28, 2011

Anita - Tristan

Here's a quick quiz position from Anita's afterschool game vs. Tristan. White to move and win.


  1. after 1... Qd5+ ke7 (forced) 2. Qb7+ black has 4 moves with his king... if black plays 2.. kf8 he loses the rook to rh8+ if blcak plays 2 ... kf6 rf4 check does the job if he plays ke6 + re4 probably does the job similar stuff for kd6 I sort of stopped calculating here...

  2. In this endgame position, White should seize the distant opposition by 1.Kf1!!

  3. Simple! 1.a8(Q) c1(Q) 2.Qg2+ followed by mate on the next move.
