Sunday, March 3, 2019

Chess Educator of the Year Talk

Heres a talk I gave for the Chess Educator of the Year Award at UT Dallas.


  1. Congratulations! So far I've knocked out the first 1/4 of the talk. I found it interesting to compare how much time an IS 318 kid can spend on skill-building chess events in a week with the kind of time available for chess skill acquisition in my own small town Arkansas 60s/70s childhood. Then I realized that your experience learning chess must also have been different from your kids' experience. I am not much for "what if" but given that you got to expert level without an IS 318 experience, perhaps your trajectory might have been different had you had an older you to teach in middle school. When I began tournament play in high school in 1977, there were only ~2 2200+ players in my state,and a handful of 2000+ players. The world has changed a bit since then.

  2. I watched through all the 59.42 @ Chessbase. It's great. Thanks!

  3. I have fallen in love with you four times now.
    In the mid-1980's it was the barefoot teenage girl in a sundress hopping and skipping around the Robert Singletary tournaments at NC State, looking like a wood nymph.
    Sometime in the 1990's I saw you again at the World Open in Philadelphia, while you were a student at Columbia. You were looking for someone to share a room -- not me, I was with my family -- and we chatted in the hallway. I told you how good you looked.
    Then a few years ago I saw Brooklyn Castle, and was thrilled to see in some detail how you teach and relate to your students. You were a movie star.
    Now I just watched this video, and found out the depth of your thinking and learning from your teaching experiences, and your rare ability to communicate ideas.
    You are still beautiful, and you are a fascinating, engaging woman. Keep it up.
    I hope motherhood has been good to you.
