a) He gives thoughtful interviews frequently to the mainstream press so that we can feel like we have some understanding of the thought processes of those in office. It makes me feel positive about America and politics in a way I never previously considered possible.
b) He doesn't dumb thoughts down, avoid complexity, or hedge on hard questions. You get the sense that he is actually trying to answer questions honestly.
c) He's not afraid to be ambitious ("But part of my job I think is to bridge that gap between the status quo and what we know we have to do for our future.")
Boo Obama
osama 08
I'm just so fed up with the lying cheating & stealing promulgated by that angry smirking jackass that we just suffered through for the past 8 years that a ham sandwich would look articulate by comparison.
please, the guy is a model with a teleprompter
I remember during the depths of the Bush Administration when the vacuous liar in chief would give his pathetically few and pathetically superficial press briefings, my husband and I would occasionally catch a glimpse of Tony Blair doing that thing where the prime minister answers questions from members of parliament. We would look at eachother and say "Bush could not handle those questions. He is not smart enough, thoughtful enough, knowledgeable enough, interested enough." Which isn't to say that we liked or agreed with everything Blair did but that the difference between Blair and Bush in terms of basic ability to think and speak was stark. I don't agree with all of Obama's decisions but listening to him speak and answer questions is a pleasure after 8 years of Bush/Voldemort.
When it comes to the levers of power, do you want to be ruled by a smart statist or a dull statist? Maybe it doesn't matter, since no matter who is in power, individual liberty shrinks.
I hope to never be so bored that I'd watch a politician give a speech.
Trickle up poverty.
Still fooled?
Wow. That was like teabagger haiku.
It's comical that the poster(s) who contemn our county’s CEO here have such a lack of conviction in their contentions that they must cravenly hide behind the cloak of anonymity. The cowards have no credibility.
es_trick, it is not self-evident that posting anonymously is cowardly. So why not substantiate your comment so as to avoid looking foolish...
Is this serious? He gives "meaningful interviews" ???!!! To whom??? This guy cannot work without a teleprompter. I think your "love" for Oobama is clouding your ability to perceive. Aren't you bothered at all by the fawning media around this guy?
Sherlock, before Obama was a pol, he was a law school professor. If you think he can't speak intelligently off the cuff without a TelePrompTer (a trademarked name, BTW), you're bonkers. Also, unlike his predecessors, when he does use a TelePrompTer, he's reading something that he co-wrote, not words being put in his mouth by some anonymous flunky.
Besides, Joe the Plumber speaks without a TelePrompTer all the time, and I'm not the least bit impressed by what comes out of his mouth.
Why is it when anyone notices that Obama is a Manchurian Candidate liar, the brain dead lefties bring up Bush? As if somehow the Obama detractors were Bush fans, or as if a dumb statist replaced with a pseudo intellectual statist who is additionally also totally clueless about economics is some positive development? Bush is not the POTUS anymore, Hussein is. Well, what can you expect from from pols who no longer READ the bills they sign into law, such as the stimulus bill AKA generational theft act...
I can't believe people can get so brain-washed by politicians. This guy is like Bush 2.0 going against all his campaign promises to continue the Bush policies that he ran against. Elizabeth are you really so intoxicated by his teleprompt reading that you overlook every lie he's told us in the last few months??
Let me be clear that I couldn't stand Bush, but this guy doesn't know what the hell he's doing. I could care less how he sounds on tv. Speeches mean NOTHING.
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