Monday, October 20, 2008

More China Photos

IM Dmitry Shneider
the very serious US men's team captain, GM Alex Shabalov

WFM Abby Marshall and WFM Shirley Ben-Dak

GM Jesse Kraai

GM Alex Shabalov, IM Dmitry Shneider
WFM Abby Marshall, GM Jesse Kraai

Dima, WFM Iryna Zenyuk

Iryna, Josh
WGM Jenn Shahade, GM Var Akobian, WFM Shirley Ben-Dak, IM Dmitry Shneider

tilt the screen

the US team
IM David Pruess, GM Var Akobian, GM Josh Friedel

WGM Jenn Shahade
Var and Ira

near: Elizabeth Paehtz, far: Jesse, Jenn, Abby

the lovely IM Elisabeth Paehtz

opening ceremony

photos taken by Alex Shabalov and Iryna Zenyuk


  1. Hard to tell the pandas from Friedel.



  2. Oh to be a young world traveling chess master (one wonders what its like :) Ever consider having Abby do some guest blogging Elizabeth?

    Considering the BS she had to deal with the last couple of times she blogged for CLO, perhaps a little more freedom of expression and an audience with a touch more open mindedness would be a good fit?
    Just a thought.

    Panda power people.

  3. The action shot with Kraai wearing the black beanie holding his shirt over his mug like he's about to rob a liquor store is classic.

  4. They look like they're having a blast. Nice.

  5. Not many photos of krush or pruess. I guess they are off doing their own thing.

  6. what a wonderful trip it must have been with such wonderful people... wish I was there sigh...
