Sunday, October 19, 2008

Videos/ Pics from the World Mind Sports Games in China

Here are three videos from the World Sports Mind Games. They were taken by Irina Krush on Alex Shabalov's camera. The first (sorry not working, check back later today) shows the American team discussing who will play in the men's rapid team armeggedon playoff vs. Iran. They choose Friedel, Shneider, and Perelshteyn. The second is of Perelshteyn playing and the dispute that arises. The last shows the resolution of the controversy.

I have a ton more plus many photos. If you guys are into them, I'll post more, but they're a pain to upload, so I'd like to hear that they are of interest before I bother.


  1. So... what happened??? It's not clear (to me) from the videos.

  2. Agreed. No idea what happened, or how that mystery what got resolved, if at all.

  3. yeah, I don't know exactly what happened either, sorry. still, video!

  4. Sounded like Perelshteyn was saying "I claim!" It's a good idea. I like to claim as often as possible. If you lose a game and never once claim, you aren't trying.
