1. Darwin Yang, 11 years old, 2299 USCF (Texas)
2. Conrad Holt, 15 years old, 2275 USCF (Kansas)
3. Steven Zierk, 15 years old, 2258 USCF (California)
4. Gregory Young, 13 years old, 2249 USCF (California)
5. Kassa Korley, 15 years old, 2228 USCF (New York)
6. Andrew Ng, 14 years old, 2185 USCF (New Jersey)
7. Kevin Zhang, 15 years old, 2160 USCF (Arizona)
8. David Adelberg, 11 years old, 2031 USCF (Arizona)
9. Luke Harmon, 9 years old, 1973 USCF (Idaho)
GM Yury Shulman
Location: Scottsdale Arizona (Jan 1-5)
Kevin Zhang
Yury Shulman watches Gregory Young and Kassa Korley (you can only see his arm) solving a study. The sideways pawn on b8 is a third bishop.
Darwin Yang
Conrad Holt
David Adelberg, Kassa Korley, Greg Shahade
David Adelberg, Kassa Korley
Kassa Korley
Darwin Yang-- but I had a little trouble with the red eye fixer. His eyes do not normally glow white and drip blue.
Conrad Holt
Luke Harmon
Greg plays out a position against Darwin Yang. Andrew Ng watches.
Greg posts the 20th place finisher in the USCL Game of the Year Contest.
David Adelberg
Andrew Ng, Darwin Yang in background
Andrew Ng
Kassa and David play basketball
Greg Shahade, Andrew Ng, Kassa Korley
Yury Shulman watches Gregory Young and Kassa Korley (you can only see his arm) solving a study. The sideways pawn on b8 is a third bishop.
Darwin Yang
Conrad Holt
David Adelberg, Kassa Korley, Greg Shahade
David Adelberg, Kassa Korley
Kassa Korley
Darwin Yang-- but I had a little trouble with the red eye fixer. His eyes do not normally glow white and drip blue.
Conrad Holt
Luke Harmon
Greg plays out a position against Darwin Yang. Andrew Ng watches.
Greg posts the 20th place finisher in the USCL Game of the Year Contest.
David Adelberg
Andrew Ng, Darwin Yang in background
Andrew Ng
Kassa and David play basketball
Greg Shahade, Andrew Ng, Kassa Korley
I was fortunate enough to play Darwin when he was 8 years old, and just a bit weaker than I was. When he is a GM, I'll be able to be one of those old chess guys who says "I beat Darwin Yang (when he was 8 years old)".