Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday PIctures from US Chess School

Kassa Korley
The camp is held at the Ancala Country Club in Scottsdale, AZ.
Gregory Young plays blitz. Dan Adelberg (David's father) watches.
Kevin Zhang
Steven Zierk

Gregory Young plays David Adelberg
Andrew Ng and Kassa Korley

Andrew Ng shows his draw vs GM Jaan Ehlvest
Andrew Ng


  1. These pictures strangely resemble pictures from Thursday. You are getting lazy.

  2. What do the golfers and tennis players make of these chess kids on their turf?

  3. not true. today's pictures are color corrected, thanks to me downloading a basic program to Greg's laptop, and are hence infinitely better than yesterdays. which i might still fix if I'm not lazy. but don't they look brighter and more vibrant??

    I will try from here onwards to make the kids look different so that you are happier. weirdo.
