Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Super President!

Happy Birthday Barack Obama!


  1. What a Joke !!! His only "Super Deed" is destroying this country.

  2. Super job on continuing the occupation of two foreign countries that have no bearing on the defense of this country. Excellent work on transferring money from the people to corporate interests during the bailout. You are doing a heck of a job, Hussein.

  3. Bigotry never gets old.

  4. Two Parties--maybe you are confusing superman with a MAGICIAN. No one can change the world in a year and a half. It´s easy to be anonymous and say you can do a better job.

  5. Are you confusing a ruling class puppet with a comic book character? Pretend he doesn't have a "D" after his name, would you be so ebullient about his imaginary accomplishments?

  6. How long will it take for the tea party and other conservative groups to get over his middle name?
    this name calling is very childish and doesn't do anything to improve there image.

  7. Yeah, those teabaggers have no shame, calling him by his name. Why don't they use the proper term...Dear Leader.

  8. I wish him many more birthdays. Otherwise, we would have President Joe Biden.
    But "Super President?" He can't even close Guantanamo Bay, and whenever he goes to campaign for a fellow Dem, sadi Democrat remembers pressing engagements elsewhere.
    The supersuit is definitely coming off.

  9. @Two Parties?

    Your post was both well thought out and logical. I'm surprised it hasn't been removed by the blog wingnut for possessing these traits.

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