I know it's been a long time, but my computer broke. I have to get this one cord, but can't, huge nightmare.

In the meantime, my social life has picked up just as my virtual life died, so I've been having a jolly time, having houseguests, visiting Greg, sunning myself, playing games. Sorry there aren't more stories, I do have some funny ones to tell you, it's just hard to motivate to write when I'm sitting at a computer at work. (I'm teaching chess camp this summer, but it's just 8:30-12:30 Mon-Thursday, so it barely feels like anything.)
The US Chess School (Onischuk + 12 genius children age 10-12) starts tomorrow, so expect some photos. and maybe stories.
When I get better at poker I'll be as happy as Greg :)
I was in Jordan and I needed a computer cable so I went to the Compaq store in Amman. They don't sell anything there that I could see. It was just a desk with a computer set up for the receptionist. I asked for the cable and they said they didn't have one for sale. I asked where I could get one and they were doubtful.
I was going to give up when they UNPLUG THEIR ONLY COMPUTER to give me the cable. How much? Nothing, it wasn't for sale...
Maybe a stranger will give you the computer cable you need.
Well I gotta say you looked positively radiant at the World Open. So sun and social life does wonders...I gotta get on the band wagon.
There are a couple packages on Ebay that include the AIW 9600 cable.
Betch'ya she is banging Kraii now, hence the radiant look.
Betch'ya she is banging Kraii now, hence the radiant look.
What's with the hoops? Shahade on the cover of Chesslife, also in hoops, was one of the worst I've seen -- so bad.
If you need that monstrosity of a cable to get your computer to work, I might suggest you need a new computer.
omg Kraai needs a makeover
Nice feet...
That looks like one of them funky double-monitor thingies. They're weird & they're discontinued, but they're available.
If you just want a 128 MB video card with "normal" connectors [128MB 1x 2x 4x 8x VGA Out(15 Pin D-Sub)+TV-Out(S-Video Out)+DVI Connector], PC Progress has them for $39.99
You can find the exact thing you're using on EBay occasionally (& currently both the card you have & adapter for $25 on a Buy-It-Now)
Excellent feet, & nice tree placement also.
I dont understand why Kraai would want sloppy 10000000's
Anon, I'd estimate you're off by six orders of magnitude & however much slop you put in.
I think you underestimate our esteemed blogger...to be more succint-- her level of promiscuity and admiration for high rated chess nerds.
well, I'm an IM, and I think she's a nice girl.
even though is says discontinued, i was able to add it to the shopping cart at http://www.svideo.com/aiw.html
Personally, I'm in favor of anything that increases the overall amount of happiness in the world. I've heard that sex contributes to that.
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