Annnouncing a fun new weekly feature: Loser Anagrams! Unscramble each phrase to make the name of one of this week's USCL Losers.
Week 3 Losers:
My thin bras
Kirk is a lay.
key drug resin (or Grin, dyke user!)
Zero drug icier
Add two nerds!
bracing toner
loser + beer = poet
Two more things I wanted to mention:
1. Have you noticed that the ∞ sign has disappeared?
Add two nerds! = Todd Andrews
It behave crazily...
beer + loser = poet. ouch.
Liz I heard a rumor that the Boston expert Ilya Krasik has the hots for you.
Anonymous love notes posted on someone's blog. The 21st century equivalent of passing a note in study hall. Hey anonymous 5:27, why don't you just leave a note in her locker at school? {cough loser cough}
Kirk is a lay: Ilya Krasik
I see you've discovered the great free program, Anagram Genius!
My thin bras=Elizabeth Vicary
The only one I got was Krasik because he's the only person I could remember who lost this week.
This is real insulting. Nice of you to sit on the sidelines and poke fun at people who had a bad day, against most of whom you would not survive 25 moves.
Rearranging the letters in someone's name is not actually the same as insulting them.
GOTW winner: a purchasable canon?
Murmurs: "Joe has bangs!"
Wait a minute -- my name anagrams to "Diarrheal Scorn." How insulting! I hereby blame all of you for any losses I may incur in the future, forever and ever, amen.
Yeah, sorry Charles. Maybe when you see me at a local tournament you can tell me what you really feel. :)
I love this.
Jason Rihel
It is insulting when you call it "loser anagrams" and single out some of the players who lost that week. Most importantly, it is not the slightest bit funny, so I don't see what the point is other than to insult a few people.
If you want me to take your objection seriously, sign your name.
maybe due to popular demand they can be changed to WINNER ANAGRAMS!
but winners don't need to be reshuffled?!
Vicary is a loser so she gets off by making others feel lousy, let's get real these anagrams are not going to cheer up anyone.
To Mr. anonymous 9/12 6:23 pm (I assume you are a Mr. because I can't imagine a woman having such a fragile ego), I must tell you I wasn't finding the anagrams to be very funny (though a little), but observing your thin skinned reaction I am now. Hey, here's a thought, if it offends you then don't read the blog.
And to the presumably other Mr. Anonymous 9/11 9:06 pm: proud of yourself? That's no way to speak to a lady. Didn't your parents teach you better? Your mother must be so proud. Loser.
Doug, did your mother tell you that u are a FAG? No need to hate guys because they teased you at school.
Serious question, Readers: should I be censoring comments like the above one?? I kinda find them hilarious, but I can't imagine any other respectable blog tolerating them?
What would you guys prefer? Any funny vs offensive litmus tests?
This is NOT a respectable blog, I hope this answers your question.
Anonymous said...
This is NOT a respectable blog, I hope this answers your question.
I disagree. Not only is this a respectable blog it is an entertaining one, which imho is harder to manage.
Elizabeth Vicary said...
Serious question, Readers: should I be censoring comments like the above one?? I kinda find them hilarious, but I can't imagine any other respectable blog tolerating them?
Think you may have answered your own question there.
E.V.: "should I be censoring comments like the above one?"
I say leave the posts for all to see. If nothing else it gives all the losers hiding behind the cloak of anonymity an outlet to express their creepy or whiney thoughts that they might otherwise express by punching holes in the walls of their mother's basement where they are currently living. Though I would recommend making exceptions in really extreme cases. My advice for whatever it's worth: use your best judgement on a case by case basis.
I pretty much agree with Doug. The goofy and almost always anonymous comments here are one of the things that make this blog so much fun to visit. On the other hand, there are clearly some depraved people lurking here, and there should probably be some limits on their ability to vent their neuroses (psychoses, in some cases, I suspect).
We're even having to deal with this out here in the flacid, placid Midwest, on the Chicago Blaze blog. As the site attracts traffic and attention, so too does it get weird and obnoxious commenters. We haven't deleted anything just yet.
There's no simple formula for deciding what's over the top. It comes down to subjective judgment, and you just have to know it when you see it. I think you, Elizabeth, have done a good job of walking that line to maintain a blog that's combative and entertaining without becoming sick. I notice that you do delete some comments.
I know you personally have a pretty thick skin, but I do think you're within your rights to erase anything that insults you. And I think anyone else who is attacked personally should be able to ask that insulting comments about them be removed. Doug is obviously a mensch and isn't bothered by the comment in question here. Plus it's
a really stupid remark.
Here's an idea. I think you can set Blogger to reject anonymous comments. How about trying that for a week sometime, just for fun, and see what happens? Not permanently, of course.
"I think you can set Blogger to reject anonymous comments."
because writing in a fake name is impossible
It's going to be my new motto:
"respectable and entertaining."
Thanks for the input everyone. It sounds like I'm doing ok, so we'll continue with the present deletion-only-in-extreme-cases policy. I'm not willing to ban anonymity-- I'm not sure I could get through my work-week without the humor.
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