NY state women's championship rd 4
Before we get to the endgame, what should black do here?
not 25...Rxc3, because 26. Kb2 wins a rook! That would've been awful.
A Mysterious and then Embarrassing Rook Ending, Part One
ok, so we just exchanged queens into this ending:
and I can't figure anything out.
Maybe I'm better because my rook cuts his king off? Or worse because he has the potential outside passed pawn? Better because my pawn is already passed? Worse because her e5 pawn is cramping me? Better because it's a weakness?
I was utterly confused. I only needed to draw to clinch first, but she's 1550 and I strongly believe children are unable to play endgames, so I was going to at least try.
33.Rb4 Rc5 I figured Kb2 would attack it next anyway.
34.Kb2 Kf8 I could try going around Kg8-h7-g6, but I thought the rook might start checking me. I thought about playing ...f6 immediately, I just had no idea how to begin calculating how dangerous it would be to make her h pawn passed.
35.Rd4 Ke7
36.f4 f6 What else can I do?
37...f5 I was really happy with this move, separating white's g and h pawns, but rybka doesn't care at all.
44.hxg6+ Kxg6
But of course there's always something you could be fruitlessly worrying about rather than concentrating on your game, right?
Not that it makes any difference (50...Kxf4 is rather clearcut), but the strongest move may be 50...Kg4!, as White is then in zugzwang.
I assume that in the major-piece position, Black plays Qc7, forking c3 and e5.
In the pawn ending, Bill's comment is very nice. But don't feel too bad about the error, as Ivanchuk recently made a similar oversight: http://www.chessbase.com/cbm/cbm129e/cbm129-12/endgame02base.htm
In other news, Susan Polgar has just published her demonization of the USCF in her chesscafe column. She's really, really losing it...
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