I have some things to tell you, thanks for coming to check, but I need to recover a little first. I couldn't sleep in Nashville, both Friday and Saturday. I lay in bed at 3 and 4 am, staring at the ceiling, cursing myself for being awake. Then the next days I felt jittery and detached, like I was doing a reasonable job analyzing games on a hypercaffeinated autopilot, but if I slowed down things might rapidly fall apart. so I took today off and spent it sleeping, watching tv, and eating a lot.
more thoughts coming soon, while you're waiting here's a position from Jacob Martinez' (black) game against Anthony Swindell. (rd 4 k-9 under 1250). black to move.
1...Nd4 If white plays cxd4 then...Rac8, Qmoves and ...Rc1+ and black wins rook on g7 and has a strong attack. If white plays 2. Bd7 then ...Qd3+
Congrats to you and your team! I have to say that I had a hard time sleeping in the "biosphere" too. The tornado warning got things off to a weird start and I think that the air quality inside that thing was not great. I felt like I was coming down with a cold by the time we finally got out of there. Basically I'm a city girl and if I'm not walking down a city street, I'd like to be somewhere where the air is really fresh and not "faux" fresh.
Glad to be back in NYC.
I was also drinking way too much diet coke there. It kind of made me sick but I felt like I needed more caffeine than usual just to keep going. I also felt very claustrophobic there, like I was trapped, which, despite the ability to walk across two parking lots to the mall, I guess I was.
I really, really don't want to go back there (even though my kids like it). I'm cool with Dallas, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Columbus -- even Disney. The ironic thing is that when we finally did escape on Sunday night to go out to dinner near Vanderbilt, I realized that I might actually like Nashville.
EB again
"1...Nd4 If white plays cxd4 then...Rac8, Qmoves and ...Rc1+ and black wins rook on g7 and has a strong attack. If white plays 2. Bd7 then ...Qd3+"
But 2.Qf4 covers c1.
Maybe 1...Ne5 ?
Sorry to hear that your teams did not finish on top, after doing so well in the Blitz.
There's always next time.......
I'd go with Ne5, too.
Unfortunately, Qf3 (with the threat of Qd1#) is met by Nd2.
The first thing I noticed is that ...Be5 traps the white queen (almost) & attacks the unprotected (because the g2 rook is pinned) pawn on h2. Then I realized that just threatening to trap the queen by ...Rab8 is useless because of Qg3 which
pretty much ruins any attack. Starting with d4, Nd4 or Ne5 didn't get me anywhere either. The knight sac Nd4 (1... Nd4, cxd4 2. Rac8, Qg3) seems to run out of steam because there's no rook check on e8 as long as white's bishop is on b5 & once the white queen retreats to g3, decoying the b5 bishop with ...Re8; Bxe8 won't work because the black queen can't get to d3 with check after white plays Qg3. Maybe I'll look at it again tonight, but for now it seems like an interesting position in which I haven't found the right move. Someone will probably Fritz it & find something good in 20 seconds, but I don't have Fritz & I'm in an inert funk at the moment.
In case you didn't hear, GM Rowson complimented you during his ICC Interview (Part 2) with John Watson on April 7.
...a6 is a strange solution to a "puzzle".
I totally thought of . . . a6, but then I realized that white can respond Be2, and I didn't see a forced win after that, so I gave up.
Your student's combination after Bxc6 was great for a lower-rated player. Bravo.
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