Alexis Paredes
Ruan, George - Paredes, Alexis
black to moveMyles Foster
Pobo Efekoro and Miguel Garcia

White played 12. Qe2. Can black take on d4?
Black is down two pawns for nothing. How does he slime the opponent?
White played Ke2 here. Why can't he play Kc3?
White to move
Orlando Gonzalez
Ameer, Myles, Lovedeep
Ruan -Paredes
1...h4 2.Re6 hxg3 3.Rxd6 gxh2+ 4.Kf2 g3+ 5.Ke2 Rxd6 6.Nh3 Re6+ 7.Kd2 Rxh3 8.Qc2 Ne3 9.Qg6 Nc4+ 10.Kc2 Re2+ 11.Kb3 Rxb2+ 12.Ka4 b5# 0–1
Foster,Myles - Poteat,Lilia
19.b4! Bb6 20.cxb5 Na7 21.Re7 1–0 (21...Rg8 22.Nf6+ Kh8 23.Nh4)
Garcia ,Miguel - Pinzon,Edward
12.Qe2 so he plays this and I say "hey, why are you hanging your d pawn, why not Rc1?" He starts laughing because he's been waiting for me to say this and then I get the joke and realize if Qxd4 Rd1 traps the queen.
Hughes, John - Garcia, Miguel
32...Rg8 33.Qf3 Bf6 34.Qh3? [34.Rfb1! Rxg2+ 35.Kf1 Bh4 36.Rxh7+ Kxh7 37.Qh5+ Kg7 38.e6+ Bf6 39.Bxf6+ Kxf6 40.Qf7#] 34...Rxg2+ 35.Kh1 Rh2+ 36.Qxh2 Qe4+ 0–1
1.Ke2 [White can't play 1.Kc3 because of 1...g4!]
Uddin,Brittanie - Lobo,Kunal
Britttanie played 30.Rg8+ which is good, but she has forced mate with [30.g4!] 30...Kh7 31.Rh8+ Kg6 32.Rag8+? big mistake, but she went on to win anyway [32.g4!] 32...Kf5 1–0
Congratulations - a truly impressive performance!
Congratulations! Now when are you going to do a report on the high school nationals?
I did one at Not good enough?
Thats odd. I had an experience like that before though. I had Jared Fogle (Blue Devil Knight) come talk to me at a tournament. What a strange person.
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