back row: Elizabeth Vicary, Alexis Paredes, Rashawn Williams, Carlos Alvarez, Miguel Garcia, Randy Rivera, Ezequiel Quinones, John Galvin, Jacob Martinez

standing: Elizabeth Vicary, John Galvin
Rashawn Williams plays JieJing Li. Behind them, Miguel Garcia plays Rochelle Ballantyne
Many thanks to the Post photographer, Anthony Causi.
Nice pictures...looks like you're doing a great job. Keep up the good work.
no clocks? wtf?
oh nm, i see them... it was on LH side of board
they have clocks on the bottom picture--a black Chronos. The school bought 30 Chroni a couple years ago for the club-- how awesome is that of them? It means we can have huge, 50-kid blitz tournaments (not quite all of the clocks survived).
Luv the outfit Shelly!!!
From 303 =)
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