US Chess School Participants, June 2008
top row: Kevin Wang, Jarod Pamatmat, (Ryan) Joseph Moon
bottom row: David Adelberg, Varun Krishnan, Alexander (Sasha) Velikanov, Luke Harmon, Alex Ostrovskiy
US Chess School participants with Trainer GM Gregory Kaidanov

On the last day, students played a consultation game. When one side got under five minutes, each team elected a representative to finish the game. Alex Ostrovskiy represented his teammates Kevin, Jarod and Sasha, while Luke Harmon played for Joseph, David and Varun. Luke's team won the game when Luke checkmated by under promoting to a knight. The game, an exciting Najdorf, will appear with annotations in an article on CLO soon.

Luke concentrates in the consultation game.

Alex Ostrovskiy defends.

Sasha Velikanov

David Adelberg, positional master

Jarod Pamatmat

Joseph Moon, winner of the blitz tournament and playoff game.

Kevin Wang, tied for first in the blitz tournament but lost the playoff game.
Fun and Games at the After Party
Sasha shoots.
David slides.
Basketball game
Kevin, Carl (Luke's brother), Varun (background), Luke
David swings.
Joseph with basketball.
Luke lies on the ground, laughing. This kid is going to be a very, very strong player some day. He reads Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual without a board on long car trips, and he remembers every position perfectly. It's unreal. Check out his website: http://sponsorluke.com/
It's great to be a kid.
Any thoughts on the fact that there were no girls in the camp?
Greg often does invite girls (Karsten McVay, Alisa Melekhina, Abby Marshall have all been invited and Karsten attended), but it's hard to find girls who are high-rated enough for it to make sense.
Looks like the children had a wonderful time. Bless the little masters.
Davy Do
PS Elizabeth said: it's hard to find girls who are high-rated enough for it to make sense. Any trends or signs of change for the better in this?
What is the update on the World Open????
I see Jarod Pamatmat is 4.5/6 at PA Youth Open...
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