The Gambian President (absolute dictator), His Excellency President Professor Dr. Al-Haji Yahya Jammeh, was only a little weird at first : he invented a banana-and-herb-based cure for AIDS, he forbade anyone from passing under his special enormous commemorative arch, etc.
But recently he became afraid the country had been invaded by witches. So he kidnapped hundred of citizens from their villages at night, took them to secret locations, and forced them to drink a "foul-smelling potion," which caused hallucinations, immense pain, convulsions. people are really crazy, huh?
Because of mass communication, a general rise of literacy and the sense that individual small people may actually matter, many individuals in the developed world forget that the rest of the world isn't like that and the veneer of human civilization is very thin in those places - can you really say this place is better off or more progressive than it was 1000 or 500 years ago?
I don't know about people being weird Liz, but politicans sure are weird!! LOL
Well, I'm an IM, and I don't think having to drink a foul smelling potion is so terrible.
back to school for you
Instead of using bananas to cure aids why not just do what the liberals do and stop using condoms which cause it to spread according to them.
Stupid liberals.
I believe it was the so called conservatives who advocated the absurd abstinence only BS policies INSTEAD of condoms, so get your head out of your ass.
Anonymous 5/23 7:15 may have posted the single stupidest comment I've ever seen posted to the Internet. And that's saying something.
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